Browsing all posts tagged with boobs.

Deadpool Announcement Moonwalks Into The Limelight

You there! Yeah, you! Stop scoffing your face with chimichangas and listen. Everybody’s favourite merc with a mouth has got his own game! Yeah! In a trailer released at San Diego ComicCon, the regeneratin’ degenerate burst onto our screens with a flurry of gun-busting acrobatics …

Sexist Booth Babe Article Vanishes From CVG

Just as the backlash over that Hitman trailer dies down, something else pops up to cause an outrage regarding the female form.  Yes, CVG, in their infinite wisdom, decided to take time out of its E3 reporting for a spot of babe-rating.  Yes, what better…

40 Days and 40 Nights – Giving up Gaming for Lent – Part III

40 Days and 40 Nights – Giving up Gaming for Lent – Part III

Noooo! When will it end?? Hey guys, this is the third and final part of my giving up gaming for Lent nonsense. For those who have missed the last two parts, you can find part one here and part two here. After my last…