Browsing all posts tagged with beards in games.

Tropico 5 – Review

Tropico 5 – Review

History is replete with examples of dictators and tyrants whose hair, as much as their megalomania, has ensured their place in the halls of memory. Hitler, with his thumb-smudge moustache, Kim Jong Il and his… whatever, and, of course, Simon Cowell. Hell, even Hasselhoff’s luxuriant…

LEGO The Hobbit – Review

LEGO The Hobbit – Review

LEGO games can be some of the more polarising titles among gamers, with many devouring each and every release, while others shun them for their grindy, repetitive nature. For lovers of the series, however, there couldn’t be a more rosy time. It would appear that…

Tropico 4 Expansion Announced

As if being a bearded dictator, ruling over a tropical paradise wasn’t hard enough, the latest expansion for Tropico 4, Tropico 4: Modern Times, will add a whole lot more to the gilded presidential plate.  Publisher Kalypso have just announced the new expansion for the…