E3 2011 Podcast: Conference Thoughts

So… those hallowed press conferences at E3 that everyone keeps talking about and which set your Twitter feeds ablaze in typical “Lady Gaga is a man!” fashion. You know what was announced, you know what made you happy and what made you want to slash your wrists with a Wiimote… but what did we think of the events and their respective announcements?

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Last five articles by GL News



  1. Knikitta says:

    I wanted to F****ing stab her in the F****ing neck and say Shut the F**k up…. “

  2. Pete Pete says:

    Great stuff guys!!

    I’m not wishing I was there at all! nahuh! ;)

  3. Edward Edward says:

    Any way to get this as a Download? :D

  4. Edward Edward says:

    Otherwise, good show, everyone! :D
    Looking forward to the rest!

  5. [...] hearing was someone’s alarm clock. Thankfully we just had time to cram a quick podcast in (have a listen here) before heading out to the expo. The place was buzzing when we arrived, with gamers everywhere [...]

  6. Chris Toffer says:

    Great listen. I’ve stayed up after a night shift to listen to this, so it must have been good!

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