Do You Pixwoo?
by GL News
Social media is great, aside from all the TXTSPK. It allows you to keep up-to-date with your friends, stay in touch with people who live too far away to see regularly, and brings us all together in a way that would be simply impossible without the internet. With Facebook bringing us unwelcome design changes as well as fewer privacy settings, and Twitter being limited to that pesky one hundred and forty characters, there’s not much of a place for gamers to be enthusiastic about sharing their hobby – especially without the ridicule from the soap-watching masses. Enter Pixwoo, a social networking site that aims to bring together not only those who play games, but also the companies who make them and anyone involved in the industry. In short, it’s the social network for gamers.
Each game has its own page you can join, allowing you to involve yourself in conversations and the latest debates, and if you can’t find the game you’re looking for, you can create the page yourself. Pixwoo is also dedicated to bringing you closer to the companies that make the games you love, working hard to make sure that they’re verified, and always bringing you the correct information. Companies can even choose to create accounts for their characters, meaning that you could be friends with Lara Croft or even Ms Pac Man.
Pixwoo founder, Pascal Vielhescaze, explains his thoughts behind the concept: “As an avid gamer and social networker I’ve experienced firsthand how finding likeminded gamers in a social environment can be as challenging as the game itself. The idea behind Pixwoo is to join the hands of the games industry and its supporters and create a platform neutral site for like-minded people to get together.”
As you create your profile, you alter your Gamer DNA, allowing you to categorise yourself as either a gamer or a member of the industry, what kind of gamer you are, and your favourite genres. Doing this then allows Pixwoo to link you to other people on the service by using that DNA to find suitable matches, meaning you can meet new people with similar interests to yours with ease. You can even have two profiles: the public one everyone can see before they become your friend, and the other that only your friends can see. If that’s not enough, then there’s also the Pixwoo Mix – a feature that lets you see a random selection of the latest stuff that’s been happening on the social network, as well as the Pixwoo channel, which provides you new trailers as well as the capability to show your friends new stuff you’ve been doing in the land of videogames. Want to show off a hilarious glitch you’ve found, or revel in the joy that only Robbaz, King of Sweden can provide you? Pixwoo is basically a haven for you to talk about anything to do with games with like-minded people who love the medium you do without all the baggage that other social networks bring.
It’s recently launched in the UK and in the United States, and it’s freely available for all to join at They’re hoping that with enough support, one of the first questions you’ll be asking your friends in the near future is “Do You Pixwoo?”
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Sounds Intriguing. *heads on over to check it out*
I joined Pixwoo months ago and really like it but not enough people are joining up yet so its a bit lonely at the moment. I hope it takes of but I think facebook will still always be the big one
Yeah, I’m on it too. It’s a good idea, but massively flawed at the moment. Speeds are too slow for a start, and there are some pretty basic software oversights which will hopefully be fixed soon. Downfall of being a software programmer is that you see everything that’s wrong, unfortunately.
This looks very interesting indeed. Tell you what, if I can log onto at least 5 friends waiting for me, I’ll give it a go. Still rocking in the corner of a dark room after I open mysefl up to Google+ and it defiled me horribly.