Borderlands 2 Gets First UK Hands-On At Rezzed
by GL News
If you don’t fancy waiting until the September release date to get your hands on Borderlands 2, then there may well be a solution. 2K Games will be supporting Rezzed: The PC and Indie Game Show this year, which takes place 6th-7th July at Brighton Centre. The eagerly-awaited sequel to Borderlands will be playable for the first time in the UK, allowing fans to get in some welcome time with Pandora’s newest gun-toting characters.
Also on show will be Firaxis’s X-COM: Enemy Unknown (a presentation, rather than a hands-on), and titles such as Aliens: Colonial Marines, Xenonauts, and Serious Sam 3. The show will also feature developer sessions, tournaments, and presentations, one of which promises to be the rather interesting session with Stainless Games who have recently ‘Kickstarted’ their Carmageddon Reincarnation project and will be talking about the challenges involved in mounting such a campaign.
Tickets cost £12 a day, or £20 for the two-day pass, and can be purchased from the official Rezzed site.
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