Ace Attorney 5 On The Way
by GL News

Turn that fucking iPhone OFF...
The popular shouty lawyer series, Ace Attorney will be seeing a fifth installment it would appear, according to Siliconera, after Capcom announced that the next installment in the series is currently under development. Although the game is underway, nothing is known about either the content or the platforms for release, although Ninty’s 3DS is a safe, if obvious, bet. In addition, those longing for the earlier titles once more are being served with the first three games, which are to be re-released for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. So, you can rival those annoying teenage pricks who use their iPhones as speakers on the train by screaming objection into your phone every few minutes. Sounds worth every penny to us. If only we could flush said train polluters down a chemical filled toilet… well, we know a good attorney anyway if the mood should ever grab us.
Source: Siliconera
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