Assassin’s Creed Revelations – New Map Pack
by GL News
For those still slugging it out in the Assassin’s Creed Revelations multiplayer, the latest from Ubisoft may well be welcome news. New DLC in the form of the Mediterranean Traveller Map Pack will be released on 24th January and will extend the life of the ACR multiplayer experience. The DLC will add six new multiplayer maps, each with new gameplay opps, thanks to new terrain and hidey-holes. Not only that, but gamers will have the chance to revisit some of their favourite haunts from Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood in the form of a number of Italian Renaissance maps, such as Firenze, San Donato, and Siena.
The pack will be released on 24th January and comes in at 800 msp/$9.99 PC/PSN
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