Alan Wake Finally Comes to PC

Remedy have announced today that PC gamers will finally get the chance to pick up a flashlight and tackle the nightmares of Bright Falls as Alan Wake comes to the PC in early 2012.  While the game was originally supposed to see a PC and Xbox 360 release, PC gamers were left disappointed when the game only surfaced on the 360, with no explanation from Microsoft as to why.  Still, it gave the brain dead YouTube haters ammunition against the game, if anything.  Now, however, we’ll finally get to enjoy the moody writer’s trials and tribulations on the PC, as he struggles against the darkness to save his wife, Alice, and figure out why the pages of a masterpiece he can’t remember writing are coming true.

The Wake fans on the GL team couldn’t be more excited at the announcement – as long as the graphics look shinier than those on the Xbox 360, naturally.  Prepare your Christmas lights and flaming eyes of Mordor, folks.

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