Steam Autumn Sale To Empty More Wallets Shocker
by GL News
Yes, we know that everyone and their uncle’s tranny granny will be playing Skyrim right about now, but an epic AAA release has never usually stopped anyone from harvesting bargains at the Steam sale (not in the least some of the more bargain obsessed GL writers, some of whom have an eye-watering Steam library). So, what delights can we expect in the Steam Autumn sale? Well, a fair few things caught our eye today as we were taking a break from the rigors of dragon slaying. Two Words II for example, reviewed by us back in March is currently enjoying a tasty percentage off as part of a Two Worlds franchise sale. Other titles of note are the LA Noire Complete Edition and the Monkey Island Special Edition bundle.
Don’t fret though, as your hard earned pennies find their way inexorably into Valve’s coffers… there is always the Xmas sale to prepare for…
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