Battlefield 4 Confirmation Shocks No One Shocker
by GL News
To precisely no one’s surprise, yet another big title has had a sequel confirmed. While yesterday’s piece of news was that there was a new Assassin’s Creed title heading for a 2012 release, today is the turn of Battlefield, with EA president, Frank Gibeau confirming that there will indeed be a Battlefield 4. After selling a shed load of copies of Battlefield 3, it was hardly surprising, but good to know we suppose. We may puff over the blatantly obvious, but at least EA have come out and said it, in the same way as Ubi, rather than dick everyone about with announcements about annoucements, where everyone knows what the news will be anyway. So. There you have it, Battlefield 4 to look forward to and another delicious slanging match between EA and Activision no doubt, just to keep us salacious gaming gossip lovers happy.
Tune in next week for a shock horror announcement about COD MW4.
Source: IndustryGamers
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