The Book of Unwritten Tales Free Demo Released

Earlier in the year, we got our hands on a preview version of KING Art Games’ upcoming point and click adventure, The Book Of Unwritten Tales, and were so impressed by the combination of visuals, storyline and humour that we made it the second game to receive the “Just Play It” Award For Excellence.

Playing as either Wilbur the gnome, Ivo the beautiful elf princess, Nate the wayward adventurer, or the Critter, it is your role to protect the “One Ring” and deliver it to the Arch Mage to help thwart the impending evil.  Throughout the eight hour preview, pop culture jokes and self-referential humour flew from every corner and made for an incredibly entertaining time.

Already a huge hit in Europe, the English language public demo is now available to download for free, direct from the Unwritten Tales official website or from GamingLives by clicking here.  System requirements are as follows:

  • Windows XP SP 3 / Vista SP 2 / Windows 7 SP 1
  • Pentium IV 2 GHz / Athlon 2.4 GHz
  • 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) | 2 GB RAM (Vista / Windows 7)
  • 6 GB free hard disc space
  • Direct-X 9c compliant video card with
  • 128 MB RAM, PixelShader 2.0

The Book Of Unwritten Tales is being published by Lace Mamba Global and is slated for released on October 28th

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