Gears of War 3 Brady Guide Giveaway
by GL News
Unless you’ve been living in some damp cave on Sera, you’ll already be familiar with the Gears of War franchise and their latest release, Gears of War 3 which, thankfully, didn’t end up being called G3ars. It has been the subject of oh-so-many fanboy wars over the last five years and turned the Lancer into the tool of destruction for modern daydreamers who have a penchant for going postal.
We’ve got a hold of a bunch of GoW3 Brady guides, including one of the pretty sexy (and hopefully, wipe-clean) limited editions but we don’t particularly want to have them sitting here gathering dust SO, we’re asking you guys to help us out. In keeping with the current “Brothers To The End” campaign, we’re going to give you the chance to win either the limited edition guide or one of three regular guides… by nominating your friend. Yup… you’re nominating a FRIEND to win it, so if you want a shot at the prize too then you’ll need to get THEM to nominate YOU in return.
First Prize
Person nominated wins the limited edition guide and the person who nominated them wins the paperback guide… you can then fight over them if you want, we don’t care. Actually, if you DO fight over them, we want pics.
@LaceUp304 wins the hardback guide, who was nominated by @MyLastThought, winning the regular guide – well done both of you!
Runner Up Prizes
Two winners will be selected from the entries, with each person nominated winning the paperback guide and the person nominating them winning 400 MS points. Two of these bundles will be given away.
First guide goes to @Stranger_UK, nominated by @Hitman_Mittz, who wins the 400 MS points!
Second guide goes to @ajcardall, nominated by @Trouserdeagle wins the MS points for nominating.
How to Enter
The first thing to do is decide which of your friends you want to nominate as your Brother To The End and make sure that you FOLLOW US at and then tweet the phrase below (including the link).. remembering to change “@friend” to being your friend’s twitter account name and change “he” to “she” and “him” to “her” if, you know, they have girl bits and you want to be politically correct (you can change “brother” to “sister” if you want too)…
My brother to the end is @friend but he needs the #GoW3 guide @GamingLives are giving away to get him there
And Then?
The competition will be drawn on Sunday 18th September at 8pm and the lucky winners will be announced on this page and on Twitter. If you’re the winner of the guide from being nominated, or are one of the nominees, then we’ll send you a DM on Twitter and ask for your address to get your prize sorted. If we see that you’ve not followed us, or you’ve not tweeted the phrase, you won’t be eligible… sorry… you need to follow and tweet!
Before anyone asks, there are no age or country restrictions and no limit on the number of friends you can nominate. Good luck.
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awww I don’t have any friend so won’t be entering although I don’t think I’ll be getting the game since I rented the second game and thought it was too short
Good luck to all who enter
Sweet idea guys and thanks for doing the giveaway, really appreciate it!!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!!
<3 thanks guys
Congrates winners