Andy McNab To Pen Battlefield 3 Novel
by GL News
Ex balaclava wearer Andy McNab – he of the bestselling Bravo Two Zero book – was today announced by EA to be penning the novel based on the upcoming Battlefield 3. Battlefield 3: The Russian will be co-written with author Peter Grimsdale and will tell the back-story of one of the game’s soldiers, RU Special Forces operator Dmitri “Dima” Mayakovsky. Former SAS hero McNab, also working with DICE to keep them on track authenticity wise, had this to say:
“It is impossible for any single medium to fully capture the emotion and intensity of war. The Battlefield 3: The Russian novel is one window into the experience, and the game is another. They complement each other perfectly,” said Andy McNab. “Working with DICE has been a fantastic ride. Battlefield 3 is going to surprise people this autumn. The story, the characters, the world and the intense action come together to create a resonant, memorable experience.”
Battlefield 3 will be released 28th October, 2011, so expect the novel to hit around the same time.
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