Dark Souls Design Contest Opens

Fancy some gaming immortality by having your name in the credits of an upcoming release?  Or maybe just having your designs appearing for all to play?  Well, the Dark Souls design compo may well be your chance.  Namco Bandai yesterday announced their Dark Souls shield design contest which kicked off on 27th June and ends on 28th July, 2011.  If you possess any art or design skills, then it may well be worth taking a bash, given the prize.  Simply create up to three original shield designs using any of the three blank templates provided on the game’s Facebook page.  Submit them and let fans cast their votes, with the front runners getting hand-picked by the Dark Souls development team, FromSoftware.

The three winning designs (one from each of the three templates) will be made into post launch content for the game and not only that, but their names will appear in the game’s credits.  Toasty.

How to enter:

  • Become a fan over on the official Dark Souls Facebook page  www.facebook.com/darksouls
  • Download the blank shield templates
  • Create up to three original ‘masterpieces of heraldic design’
  • Submit your finished designs via Facebook on or before July 13th 2011, where fans will have until the 20th to vote

The top ten designs, as voted for by fans, will then go to the development team who will select the final winners, but there are more prizes floating around.  Each of the top ten finalists will receive a copy of Dark Souls, signed by game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.  The winners, as we know will get their designs in game and their names forever on the credits, but they’ll also snag a signed copy of the limited edition.  Nice.  Get the crayons out folks.

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