Skyrim Map Free With Pre-Orders
by GL News
Who doesn’t like maps? Okay, get out. Now, who doesn’t like maps? That’s what we thought. Here at GLHQ we fell in love with the gorgeous Oblivion map so much that we got it produced on canvas, and it currently hangs on the office wall. Most RPGs have a stunning map of some variety, however, most publishers miss the trick of producing a real one of any decent quality to include with their releases, even in the so-called collector’s editions. True, Oblivion did include a folded glossy map, but we were almost afraid to open it up – and when we did it contained more creases than Tracey Emin’s bed. Well, Bethesda have aimed to remedy that, and have today announced that anyone who pre-orders Skyrim will automatically get their hands on a ‘premium quality’ world map for free.
Some time ago, in a Morrowind blog post, Executive Producer Todd Howard said the following: “There’s something about having a physical object in your hands that feels like it’s part of this other world, that you are that person in the game, finding your way among the hills.” And he’s quite right; those of us who enjoy sinking into the atmosphere of a game and studying the world in which we’re playing are often absorbed by the game-maps, so to have one reproduced as a premium item, is ideal. While games around it are slinging out download codes for in-game items and outfits, it is refreshing to see gamers being handed something more tangible for once. Whether or not the premium quality will be evident, or whether the Skyrim map will end up a flimsy mess remains to be seen, but if you’re pre-ordering anway, it may just be worth it.
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Doesn’t include a free dragon? Meh to that then.
I won’t pre-order until I see a collector’s edition of sorts. :X But this is awesome. I love maps.
I’m with you, Lauren, I love maps and adore my Oblivion canvas map
I’m also curious as to what they will do in tems of a collector’s edition for this one – hope it lives up to all the potential, as the ‘blivy one was something of a let down, coin aside.
Definitely with Lauren in not caring until I see some kind of collector’s edition. Maps are great, I love me a good map, but I’m not preordering until the collector’s set is announced. Considering some games have their collector’s editions available to preorder nearly a year in advance, I’m staggered that Bethesda are leaving it so very late with what should be one of THE games of the decade, never mind 2011.
@Lorna: Yeah. The Oblivion map was nice but….I know they could’ve done better.
@Samuel: I agree! I am quite surprised they haven’t announced anything yet. I’m hoping for a dragon statue or something.
Finally i get my revenge!!! A friend of mine had the Morrowind map framed on his wall for years and my only comeback was the free Septim that I got with Oblivion (No! You cannot friggin have it!). Got to hand it to Bethesda, at least they are not gonna charge you an extra tenner for it, all they want is your pre-order and lets face it all of you that have been waiting for this game since Oblivion finished and are sat there saying “I cannot wait…” then just give your promise to buy cause you know you want to!
So far I cannot find any pre-order details for the UK local high street stores like Game, Gamestation or the other orangey one(?), BTW does anyone actually know what ‘burlap’ is supposed to feel like?
Burlap feels like a rough sack cloth.
@Simon: You can preorder from Amazon: Other than that, idk