E3 2011 Podcast: Day Three
by GL News
The best laid plans of mice and men always go to shit, as the old saying goes. This was originally supposed to be a video podcast (if such a thing exists… would that be a podvid, vidcast or podvidcasteo?) but it ended up being 1 hour and 43 minutes, so by the time it finishes converting into an editable format, gets edited, exported, then converted to a file small enough to be uploaded to YouTube (under 2GB), it would have taken until tomorrow evening to complete… and we leave here at 10am tomorrow UK time so that just isn’t going to happen.
Instead, here’s the audio version… warts and all.
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Stream directly from the embedded player above, or download by right clicking here and saving the file.
Last five articles by GL News
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- PETA Crosses The Line with Farming Simulator 17
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Review
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments - Review
- ONE Ring
You guys are awesome! Very much brought the excitement and wonder of E3 and LA alive with these podcasts!
Well done!
Glad you liked them Pete, truth is we could have gone for another hour most nights just waffling about the show and our day.
Awww, they’re all over now?
Hopefully you guys can do more GL Podcasts in future! Not about E3 obviously, but about gaming in general.
Sad it’s all over now really, but I’m looking forward to the rest of the coverage
[...] game captures that same new Trek vibe and nails it perfectly. Ben and I discuss it at length on our day 3 podcast so go have a listen to that or hold on for our full preview. [...]