Sims 3: Pets Confirmed At Last
by GL News
Perhaps the worst kept secret in Sims land is the theme of the next expansion pack, due for release in the Autumn. Leaked around the same time that the newly released Sims 3: Generations pack was outed, the Simternet has been awash with rumour and debate as to the status of the ‘Unleashed’ pack. Genuine or hoax? For many Sims fans, Pets has been the expansion they’ve been waiting for, for others, such as a few folk at GLHQ, well… they couldn’t care less about anything that isn’t Sims Uni. Sims expansions are typically Marmite affairs, however, Pets appears to be the greatest crowd pleaser; after the leaked trailer some time ago, smart money was on Pets being the fifth expansion and not just wishful thinking or an elaborate hoax.
Well, now it’s official. Sims 3: Pets it is and for anyone feeling distinctly meh about it, it would appear that it is a lot more involved than its Sims 2 cousin.
Players will have the chance to create their perfect pet (or imperfect, for those who like a challenge). This time out, there aren’t just cats and dogs to manage, but horses will make an appearance for the first time… and yes, from the looks of it, they can be ridden. Cue exploding piles of sqee-ing teenage girls. Sims 3: Pets promises a far greater level of interaction and customisation than its predecessor, with players able to not only tailor how their pet looks, but pick their personality traits too. Pet traits will include: intelligent, brave, hydrophobic, friendly, skittish, clueless, fast, and piggish. How many traits they can possess is not known at this time, but it seems likely that it will expand on the handful of options from Sims 2: Pets.
Pets will come with a variety of ‘socials’ and activities and, in a unique and potentially interesting move, can now be controlled by the player, allowing them to experience the world from the point of view of a prize pooch or pampered pussy – snigger (that’s enough – Ed). At least now you get to experience the joy of tearing that fuck awful patterned sofa to shreds first hand or (hopefully) wreaking havoc in your unpleasant neighbour’s garden.
Pets will not only have the ability to dig and chase, guided by the player, but they can learn skills and sniff out collectables. It has a great deal of potential… showjumping and racing are there for horses and their Sim owners, while dogs can draw bring the ‘awww’ factor to a potential date. Cats will presumably sit on the sofa, giving everyone evils.
Not only will Sims 3 Pets be seeing a PC release, but it will also be coming to consoles and the 3DS with a few unique things to each system.
The Xbox360 version will have Kinect functionality, with players able to direct both Sims and Pets using voice commands; sit, bathroom, make breakfast, drown yourself, kill the babysitter, etc. Okay, maybe not that last two. We can but hope that evil Sim players (mentioning no names here at GLHQ) will be well catered for, with some mean pet traits and interactions. The 3DS version will see Karma Powers introduced which made their debut in the Sims 3 for consoles, and the StreetPass will be utilised in trading Sims and their pets between players.
More details are sparse at this time, and whether or not small pets will be included is currently unknown, but it appears that this Pets reboot has been given a greater amount of depth this time out. Will we be seeing anything of it at E3? Who knows, but for now it has our attention… despite not being Sims Uni.
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