Vindictus Hits Europe in Q4

After a seemingly long wait, Nexon’s action MMORPG Vindictus will finally be hitting Europe this year in a Q4 release.  Vindictus is one of the current flood of free to play MMOS and we had a chance to get (literally) a brief glimpse of it through the crowds at PAX East earlier this year.  Vidictus is an action online RPG which utilises a modified Source Engine to enable players to properly interact with their environment, allowing them to throw and smash objects and pummel enemies with debris and weaponry.

So why the delay?  Well, SungJin Kim, CEO of Nexon Europe had this to say:

“First of all, we’d like to apologize for the delay of the European launch of Vindictus. We know players in Europe were eager and excited to get their hands on Vindictus as soon as possible and we are glad that we are back on track now for a Q4 release.”

“We are preparing the roll-out in the European territory right now and will localize the game to at least one more language until launch. Vindictus is already a huge success for us in North America and was very well received by the gaming community. We hope players all over Europe will enjoy the game just as much.”

Nexon are promising to unveil new content for the game at the upcoming E3 Expo, and are planning on a significant showing later in the year at Gamescom, giving European gamers their first chance to sink their teeth in and find out what all the fuss is about.

Last five articles by GL News



  1. MoltenRog says:

    Q4 is a long way away, and as this game was supposed to roll out in the EU a very long time ago, they would of saved their company a whole load of trouble if they would of secured a license to release it in the EU back when they did release the game.

    I did play the game back in Closed/Open beta, but its really not worth it when theres a whole lot of free half life 2 mods out there that emulate the same feeling.

    Plus the game solely relies on cash shop to get anywhere in the game, you have to buy tokens to unlock higher content which is about 10-20$

  2. Deborah says:

    Spent hours downloading vindictus and cant get into the game with the webserver down. Booo…. What happen with valkyrie, joel osteen, maplestory, vindictus, triathlon, … ?.

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