Vive La Resistance!
by GL News
While it may not be the end of the world to 99.9% of the global gaming fans, it’s a sad day here at GLHQ because UK Resistance has finally closed its heavily pixelated doors after fifteen years of serving spoonfuls of spooge for SEGA before morphing into a site covering a diverse range of news and reviews from our beloved gaming industry. If you browse GamingLives and come across a photo of a cosplayer or a horde of women dressed in very little standing around someone holding a video game, it probably came from UK Resistance. It was a site like no other, with satire being shovelled across its pages and a take on the gaming industry that would make Mary Whitehouse’s stands against the word “bum” seem like she was still asleep, the old trout.
In a typically hilarious goodbye video by Commander Zorg, we get to enjoy their weather predictions of “bleak” and “bleaker still” before finishing off with the all-too-familiar (to those of you as old as I am) BBC testcard image, except the only clown on screen is a certain PDM OBE. The site will remain online as a reminder of what they’ve brought to us and the hard work that had been put in since 1996.
Gary and Jon, we salute you and hope that blue skies prevail wherever you find yourselves. Vive la resistance!!
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Shame. Who will we nick our sexy cosplayer and Bayonetta porny/glam images from now? Seriously though, always a shame when a site shuts up shop. Peoww will have to rule the scathing humour domain alone.
Really is a shame… that’s three gaming sites that I know of that have gone the way of the dodo, including One Last Continue and The Game Arena. Given the amount of time it takes to properly run a site like this, I can understand people finally deciding to call it quits though… it’s quite amazing how much of a time sink it is, and can also be a financial drain. As I said in the article though, I always sniggered to myself when almost every scantily clad image that popped up on Google (revolving around gaming) was attributed to UK Resistance.
It had its haters, but then don’t we all? Nice that they’re keeping it online though, at least people who haven’t heard of it before can now skim back through their archives to see what all the fuss was about.