Alice: Madness Returns – 14th June
by GL News
The long awaited Alice: Madness Returns finally has a release date and can be expected to be emerging from its rabbit hole on 14th June on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. It may seem a massive way off, but at least it will give us time to finish everything else that will be coming out in the next few months. The game is set ten years after the first Alice game – American Mc Gee’s Alice – and focuses on the titular girl who is struggling to come to terms with the death of her parents. To try and deal with the chaotic mess inside her head, Alice returns to Wonderland to discover that it has become warped and twisted, and so sets out to save the kooky land and its residents from evil. This is one that we’ve been waiting for for what seems like an age and will (hopefully) be just the thing to help stave off the Summer blues. It looks stunning, and pretty fucking mental, with a distinct Burton-esque look that we can’t help but find appealing. The trailer’s just a bit tasty too. Roll on June.
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