Dragon Age 2 Guide Gets Collector’s Ed.

Some of us adore our collectables and, over the last couple of years, there has been a surge in the number of collector’s edition game guides to tease our wallets.  The last Dragon Age guide was a hardback number which swiftly sold out, only to resurface from Amazon sellers at eye-watering prices, upward of sixty quid.  The collector’s edition guide for the sequel, Dragon Age 2, is now listed with online stores and looks pretty sexy.  Yes, we would have preferred them to have actually made the effort to produce a proper leather bound tome, however, this will have to do.

Pretty sexy as they go, though we would advise, if recent history has taught us anything, to pre-order this sucker.  Full contents are as follows:

  • Carefully designed to avoid unnecessary story spoilers
  • A world map shows the position of all areas visited with an index of available locales listing all quests and page references to the relevant sections of the guide
  • A dedicated Side Quests chapter presents all side missions, random encounters and all additional optional activities with a checklist to reach 100% completion
  • The Walkthrough features annotated area maps with step-by-step action on the left-hand page and expanded strategies and advanced tactics on the right
  • The Strategy & Analysis chapter focuses on high-level playing strategies and in-depth analysis of the game’s underlying mechanics.
  • All-encompassing Inventory chapter features exhaustive lists and tables covering: weapons, armor, accessories, special items, shops, runes, crafting, consumables and gifts
  • All-encompassing Bestiary chapter presents all details on: enemy ranks, locations, attributes, resistances, loot drops and more
  • A feature-packed Extras chapter covers every Achievement, every Trophy, every Secret and also presents a Dragon Age encyclopaedia and a story recap
  • Includes an additional 16 pages with a behind-the-scenes section and an artwork gallery

Last five articles by GL News



  1. Ben Ben says:

    Got the collectors edition of the guide for the first game and probably one of the best I’ve ever seen, hoping for similar experience with this one.

  2. Tania Tania says:

    Hell yes, mine’s already pre-ordered!

  3. Samuel Samuel says:

    Mine just arrived today, best guide book I’ve seen. Stiff glossy pages, lovely hardback cover with foil embossing, and the artwork inside is gorgeous. Well worth fifteen quid, and puts the last book I bought, the New Vegas one, to bloody shame.

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