Time Votes Alan Wake As Game of 2010
by GL News
Well, it’s that time of year, when people start clearing their throats and talking about what they consider to be game of the year, while others either slump back in an apathetic heap and click on, or else inflate like puff adders and prepare to deliver a venemous attack. One of the first big boys to really go against the expected grain of Red Dead Redemption/Mass Effect/Fallout: New Vegas is Time who have kicked the beehive over and legged it with their choice: Alan Wake. Yep. And, in the words of Baz ‘bagsy’ Norman: “…and why not?”
None have felt as mature as Alan Wake does. Its unsettled titular character carries adult concerns — a stalled career, a troubled marriage — into a psychological thriller set in a town taken over by a shadowy occult force. Alan Wake’s biggest triumph lies in turning metaphor into game play.
To be honest, there are a few folk here at GLHQ (*cough* Lorna) who would agree absolutely with that choice…still, our writers’ official picks will be coming soon and so will our readers’ chance to throw their hats into the ring.
Source: Time
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