Homefront Dev Diary Opens Up Backstory
by GL News
The first in a series of dev diaries for Kaos Studios’ upcoming FPS, Homefront is out today and features the game’s staff delving into the backstory. The story itself is written by John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn, Conan) who uses his 30 years of storytelling experience to conjure a chilling and absorbing concept and setting.
Set in 2027, after a crippling, decade long energy crisis, the game focuses on the the American Civilian Resistance who, after the economic collapse of the USA, are struggling to take back their country from an oppressive North Korean occupying force. Against the backdrop of crumbling economies and weakened countries, Korea, after unifying and swelling in both economic and military might, seized the opportunity to launch an EMP attack on the USA, paving the way for a full military strike and invasion.
“Homefront isn’t about going to war on the other side of the world or battling aliens from another planet; it’s about fighting foreign invaders in your own backyard and defending your right to live,” said Design director, David Votypka.
The premise of the game sounds interesting and presents a rather different take on the usual ‘kicking alien scum in the face and blowing up their shit’ approach to shooters. Rather than being the invaders or aggressors, Homefront is, instead, placing the player in the worn shoes of a resistance, struggling to survive and take back what was theirs; fighting in their own backyard of malls and city streets. We liked that, here at GLHQ and it looks to be one to keep an eye on.
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[...] At least with Homefront, gamers will still be able to access the online modes in order to see whether it floats their boat before deciding whether or not to splurge out on a pass if they have picked the title up second hand. The game is slated for release in early March and actually boats a pretty interesting backstory. [...]