Hail To The King – The Duke Is Back
by GL News
They said it would never happen… then said it would… then it wouldn’t again, and then around July this year someone mentioned that Gearbox Software, developers of the kick-ass Borderlands, were picking up the baton after 3D Realms closed their doors more than twelve years after the announcement that there would be a sequel to the much loved Duke Nukem 3D in the shape of Duke Nukem Forever. Earlier on today at PAX, 2K and Gearbox opened their booth to the delight of gamers who witnessed a playable demo of the long awaited Duke Nukem Forever.
According to Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox Software, they began the final work on Duke Nukem Forever in the latter part of 2009 and…
“Clearly the game hadn’t been finished at 3D Realms but a lot of content had been created,” he says. “The approach and investment and process at 3d Realms didn’t quite make it and it cracked at the end. With Gearbox Software we brought all those pieces together. It’s the game it was meant to be.”
Earlier today, the Wall St Journal reported:
The game is currently expected to ship in 2011, although given its history, Pitchford is understandably reluctant to be more specific. “We’re in the polishing phase now. This is a game where we can not make a promise we can not fulfill,” he says. “We need to get past the shock and awe and then we can go to all the retailers and first parties and work out a launch plan.”
It may have been twelve years in the making, but the buzz around Duke Nukem Forever today is greater than ever and, from what was on display at PAX this weekend, the fans are anything but disappointed. The Twitter feeds here at GLHQ are swamped with nothing but talk of Duke Nukem Forever, photos from the booth at PAX, speculation as to when it’ll hit the stores… whether there’ll be special editions and, most importantly, how exciting it is to finally know for sure what has been talked about for months.
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I think I see a pig gearing up for take off… should it arise into the air and actually fly, perhaps the greatest piece of vapourware ever won’t be anymore. But it does seem pretty weird to think of Duke Nukem Forever actually being finished after all this time.