Commander: COTA Tutorial Series
by GL News
Great news for anyone struggling to get to grip with the complexities of Nitro Games’ RTS trading game, Commander: Conquest of the Americas because the developers have, thankfully, produced a series of gameplay tutorials. Not only will gamers be able to learn how to properly set up a colony, work out the best trade routes, and wring every last drop of value from the numerous advisers, but they’ll help ensure a fair crack at thirty new Steam achievements too.
As we discovered when we reviewed Commander: COTA a few weeks ago, the lack of a tutorial mode hiked the game’s difficulty curve in early play and made it tricky to learn the ropes, especially for a genre newcomer – hopefully this series of video tutorials will solve this problem. The first tutorial can be viewed here:
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Bloody typical lol… I may still watch the videos even though I’m quite far in to the game as I may still learn something new