Enslaved Inspired Design Contest
by GL News
If you prefer your post-apocalyptic future to come in shades of green, rather than brown, then the upcoming Enslaved should appeal to you. Furthermore, if you are of the artistic persuasion and enjoy putting your talents to the test, then Namco Bandai’s new design contest will be ideal for whiling away your time and earning some great booty to boot . In their Enslaved: Odyssey to the West inspired design contest, Namco Bandai are asking gifted designers and artists to produce a piece of unique artwork, inspired by the game’s version of a post apocalyptic Earth, languishing in the aftermath of a last, great war. Essentially, the remit is to create a ‘vision of a future without humans.
The future portrayed in Enslaved shows a world where nature is slowly reclaiming its territory back from human society, taking over the vast cityscapes and concrete jungles with lush greenery. Against this verdant backdrop, however, deadly mechs, remnants of the last great human war, still roam, ruthlessly hunting survivors.
The prizes are impressive, the winner receiving two copies of the game on their preferred format with their design featured on a unique cover and an extra-large framed print signed by members of the design team at Ninja Theory. Entries are to be in by Friday, 1st October, 2010. For more information, hop along to the official game site: www.enslaved-thegame.com.
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