Vanquish Pre-Order DLC Trailer
by GL News
Sega have set loose their latest Vanquish trailer, this time focusing on some tasty looking pre-order DLC. The Tri-Weapon pack comes as a bonus when you pre-order from specific retailers – for the UK or Gamestop for US gamers and is perfect for when you just have to kill every giant space-age robot in the room…accept no subsitutues. The Tri-Weapon pack features a stash of experimental tech, including the Boost Machine Gun, Anti-Armour Pistol, and Laser Cannon to give a leg up to the devastation you can rain down upon your enemies. Well, anything with the word laser in it has us sold, frankly.
Shiny weapons, we bow down to thee, however, for those who have no idea what Vanquish is…the game is a spacesuit kicking third person action shooter set in ‘the near future’ where warring factions are scrapping over the few remaining planetary resources. You play as Sam, a government agent with a taste for heavy weaponry (you weren’t honestly expecting crochet were you?) who is part of the US forces tasked with recapturing a space station from the Russians before they can wipe out New York. Perhaps they hated Sex and the City too.
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