Red Dead Hacker Bans On The Way
by GL News
There will be a lot of unhappy cowboys come next week when Rockstar grind out their cigarette, slip on their big iron and amble off to blast Red Dead Redemption cheats from existence. Yes, after tolerating all manner of the usual shitty cheating including hacked saves in order to get obscenely high scores and more abilities, Rockstar are taking action.
Though, in an oddly magnanimous gesture they have declared a short amnesty for all cheaters and hackers to clean up their act and get back on the straight and narrow by registering fresh, clean files and deleting dodgy saves in order to save themselves.
“Next week, starting on Tuesday, August 24th – we will be swiftly and indefinitely banishing from the world of Red Dead Redemption multiplayer all Gamertags and PSN IDs we’ve detected with hacked game saves. Such cheating is a clear violation of our code of conduct, and punishable at our sole discretion,” says Rockstar.
To avoid exile from Rockstar’s beautiful wilderness, all hacked saves will need to be deleted (single and multiplayer) and then you’ll need to get back online with the game for it to register a clean slate.
More details can be found on Rockstar’s blog:
So, if you’re the sort of gamer who can’t play fair, be warned that the shit will hit the saloon fan on August 24th – if you haven’t cleaned up your act by then, expect trouble. And it serves you right.
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