Naughty Bear – Free DLC Release

Hopefully the DLC will solve the freezing problems

Artificial Mind and Movement have recently announced some tasty new additions to their carnage carnival of bear beating action, Naughty Bear.  With the new, and much welcome update, players will be able to get their paws on a whole free level – or episode eight which promises to come with some new and never before seen gameplay…hopefully of the stuffing ripping variety.

In the free DLC, our slighted anti-hero receives a surprise invite to a cake tasting party.  Suspicious?  Hell yes, considering the great vengeance and furious anger that he rained down upon his fellow fuzzies previously, so it is you job to work out what is going on and why he was really invited.

So…if you see a bear being dragged round a corner screaming ‘it’s a trap’, run unless you like being frozen in…wait…okay, that was something else, but still, be prepared.  Be very prepared.

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