Nintendo teams up with Heart Association
by GL News
The American Heart Association and Nintendo have teamed up to “promote physically active play as part of a healthy lifestyle”
As you might expect it’s all about being more aware of things you can do to help keep your body in tip top shape, like taking the stairs instead of the lift for example.
Get informed, Get Empowered and Get Active is the Tri-Force of attack with the latter of which suggesting games such as Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort as possible activities you could consider to help keep your healthy.
It’s got to be a bit of a win-win situation for both organisations, Nintendo get their games officially endorsed by a major health organisation and vice versa with Nintendo’s backing and global reach more people, especially children are perhaps likely to sit up and take notice to what may be perceived as boring exercise jibber jabber.
If you’re interested in finding ways to keep healthy while working on your Wii Sports Tennis serve then check out the Active Play Now website.
No word yet if Nintendo will be looking at partnerships elsewhere in the world, but we’ll keep you posted.
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