Guitar Hero 6 To Be A Celeb Free Zone

It’ll probably come as no surprise to learn that Activision won’t be using any celebrity likenesses in Guitar Hero 6. With Gwen Stefani, Jon Bon Jovi and Courtney Love voicing their obvious disdain over how likenesses are often being used inappropriately, the decision was made to step away from this particular avenue for the latest release. It IS, however, quite remarkable to think that celebrities that had given consent for their music to be used in the game hadn’t gone as far as ensuring that they wouldn’t end up looking foolish within the game… surely that’s at the top of any celeb’s list?

Thankfully it’s not all going to be drab from hereon in, as Kotaku pointed out…

They’ll of course still appear in the game – Gene Simmons will be narrating, for example – but it appears the days of seeing Kurt Cobain do his worst Flavor Flav impression are mercifully over.
Source: Kotaku

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